Smart Grid
Honoured with Er. Gurcharan Singh oration award by Punjab Science Academy, India, in the area of research. A committed researcher with over 12 years of experience at leading institutes in India with a research grant of INR 19 Crores ($2.95 million). Possessing excellent administrative skills along with constructive and effective teaching qualities that promote a stimulating learning environment.
- PhD in Smart Grid from Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India in 2013
- M. Tech in Power System from Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli, India in 2008
- B.E. in Electrical Engineering from Birsa Institute of Technology, Sindri, India in 2000
Experience: Total Teaching Experience 12 years
- From July 2022 – Till date: Full Professor, Electrical Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engg. & Tech., Patiala, India.
- From July 2017 – June 2022: Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engg. & Tech., Patiala, India.
- From Oct 2014 – Aug 2017: Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engg. & Tech., Patiala, India
- From Mar 2014 – Sep 2014: Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, PES College of Engg., Aurangabad, India
- From Dec 2012 – Mar 2014: Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering, Shri Sant Gadge Baba College of Engg., & Tech., Bhusawal, India
Teaching Interests:
- Smart Grid
- Electric Vehicle
- Artificial Intelligence
- Renewable Energy
- Network Theory
- Control System
- Power System
- Power Electronics
Research Interest:
- Electric Vehicle
- Vehicle to Grid
- Smart Grid
- Renewable Energy
Current Membership in Professional Organizations
- Senior Member IEEE, (92777035), ISTE
Honors and Awards
- Awarded best teacher and an awardee of Er. Gurcharan Singh oration by Punjab Science Academy in the area of research.
- Speaker in almost 50 workshops in India including IIT Delhi and IIT Bombay.
- Attended 15 workshops in IIT Kanpur, IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi and IIT Guwahati
- Attended First International IEEE workshop on Smart Grid at Mysore, Karnataka
- Kaur and M. Singh, " Time-of-Use tariff rates estimation for optimal demand-side management using electric vehicles" Energy, 2023, doi.org/10.1016. (Impact Factor=7.747)
- Yadav and M. Singh, "Design and development of a bidirectional DC net meter for vehicle to grid technology at TRL-9 level" Measurement, February 2023, doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2022.112403 (Impact Factor=5.131)
- Kaur and M. Singh, "Design and development of a three-phase Net Meter for V2G enabled charging stations of electric vehicles," Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, January 2022, doi.org/10.1016/j.segan.2021.100598. (Impact Factor=5.405)
- Teja, M. Singh, and Y. Beck " Experimental analysis of electric vehicle’s Li-ion battery with constant pulse and constant voltage charging method" International Journal of Energy Research, 2022, doi.org/10.1002/er.8708. (Impact Factor=4.67)
- Kumar and M. Singh, "Derated Mode of Power Generation in PV System Using Modified Perturb and Observe MPPT Algorithm," Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 1183-1192, September 2021, doi: 10.35833/MPCE.2019.000258. (Impact Factor=4.469)
- Dhingra, Karanveer and Singh. Smart Charging Station to Cater the Sudden Ingress and Egress of EVs while Supporting the Frequency of Microgrid through VSG. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering. 45. 10.1007/s13369-020-04627. (2020) (Impact Factor=2.807, Citations=1)
- Dhingra, Karanveer and Singh. Handshaking of VSG with charging station to support the frequency in microgrid. Electrical Engineering. 102. 10.1007/s00202-020-01029-z. (2020) (Impact Factor=1.836, Citations=1)
- Jindal, BS. Bhambhu, M. Singh, N. Kumar and K. Naik, “A Heuristic-Based Appliance Scheduling Scheme for Smart Homes,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020, DOI: 10.1109/TII.2019.2912816. (Impact Factor=10.215, Citations=8)
- Vinit Kumar, Singh,"Sensorless DC-link control approach for three-phase grid integrated PV system", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 112, 2019, Pages 309-318, ISSN 0142-0615. (Impact Factor=5.659, Citations=11)
- S. Aujla, N. Kumar, M. Singh and A. Y. Zomaya, “Energy trading with dynamic pricing for electric vehicles in a smart city environment,” Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpdc.2018.06.010. (Impact Factor=4.542, Citations=26)
- Singh, S. Jagota, and M. Singh, “Energy management and voltage stabilization in an islanded microgrid through an electric vehicle charging station,” Sustainable Cities and Society, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2018.05.055. (Impact Factor=10.696, Citations=30)
- Jindal, N. Kumar, and M. Singh, “Internet of Energy-based Demand Response Management Scheme for Smart Homes and PHEVs Using SVM,” Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2018.04. 003. (Impact Factor=7.307, Citations=8)
- Jindal, M. Singh, and N. Kumar, “Consumption-Aware Data Analytical Demand Response Scheme for Peak Load Reduction in Smart Grid,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2018.2813990. (Impact Factor=8.236, Citations=19)
- Kaur, N. Kumar, and M. Singh, “Coordinated Power Control of Electric Vehicles for Grid Frequency Support: MILP-based Hierarchical Control Design," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TSG.2018. 2825322. (Impact Factor=8.96, Citations=36)
- Jindal, N. Kumar, and M. Singh, “A Unified Framework for Big Data Acquisition, Storage and Analytics for Demand Response Management in Smart Cities,” Future Generation Computer Systems, 2018, DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2018.02.039. (Impact Factor=7.307, Citations=25)
- Dhingra and M. Singh, “Frequency Support in a Micro-Grid using Virtual Synchronous Generator based Charging Station," IET Renewable Power Generation, 2018, DOI: 10.1049/iet-rpg.2017.0713. (Impact Factor=3.894, Citations=30)
- Kaur, M. Singh, and N. Kumar, “Multiobjective Optimization for Frequency Support Using Electric Vehicles: An Aggregator-Based Hierarchical Control Mechanism," IEEE Systems Journal, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2017.2771948. (Impact Factor=4.802, Citations=18)
- S. Aujla, M. Singh, N. Kumar and A. Zomaya, “Stackelberg Game for Energy-aware Resource Allocation to Sustain Data Centers Using RES," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2017. 2715817. (Impact Factor=5.967, Citations=11)
- Rana, M. Singh and S. Mishra, “Design of Modified Droop Controller for Frequency Support in Microgrid using Fleet of Electric Vehicles," IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2651906. (Impact Factor=7.362, Citations=22)
- Singh, M. Singh, and SC. Kaushik, “Feasibility study of an islanded microgrid in rural area consisting of PV, wind, biomass and battery energy storage system," Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.09.046. (Impact Factor=11.533, Citations=202)
- Singh, M. Singh, and SC. Kaushik, “A Review on Optimization Techniques for Sizing of Solar-Wind Hybrid Energy Systems," International Journal of Green Energy, July 2016, DOI:0.1080/15435075.2016.1207079. (Impact Factor=3.206, Citations=35)
- Singh, M. Singh, and SC. Kaushik, “Optimal power scheduling of renewable energy systems in microgrids using distributed energy storage system," IET Renewable Power Generation, May 2016, DOI: 10.1049/ietrpg.2015.0552. (Impact Factor= 3.894, Citations=52)
- Jindal, A. Dua, K. Kaur, M. Singh, N. Kumar, and S. Mishra, “Decision Tree and SVM based Data Analytics for Theft Detection in Smart Grid," IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 1005-1016, 2016. (Impact Factor= 11.648, Citations=192)
- Kaur, R. Rana, N. Kumar, M. Singh, and S. Mishra, “A Colored Petri Net Based Frequency Support Scheme Using Integrated Fleet of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid Environment," IEEE Transactions on Power systems, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/TPWRS.2016.2518743. (Impact Factor=7.362, Citations=41)
- Kaur, A. Dua, A. Jindal, N. Kumar, M. Singh, and A. Vinel, “A Novel Resource Reservation Scheme for Mobile PHEVs in V2G Environment using Game Theoretical Approach," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 64, no. 12, pp. 5653-5666, 2015. (Impact Factor=6.239, Citations=39)
- Kumar, M. Singh, S. Zeadally, J. Rodrigues, and S. Rho, “Cloud assisted Context-aware Vehicular Cyber-Physical System for PHEVs in Smart Grid," IEEE Systems Journal, 2015, DOI: 10.1109/JSYST.2015. 2437201. (Impact Factor=4.802, Citations=18)
- Thirugnanam, R. Joy, M. Singh, and P. Kumar, “Modeling and Control of Contactless Based Smart Charging Station in V2G Scenario," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 5, no.1, pp. 337-348, 2014. (Impact Factor=10.275, Citations=33)
- Singh, P. Kumar, and I. Kar, “A Multi Charging Station for Electric Vehicles and its Utilization for Load Management and the Grid Support," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 4, no. 2, pp.1026-1037, 2013. (Impact Factor=10.275, Citations=66)
- Singh, P. Kumar, and I. Kar, “Real Time Coordination of Electric Vehicles to Support the Grid at the Distribution Substation Level," IEEE System Journal, 2014, DOI 10.1109/JSYST.2013.2280821. (Impact Factor= 4.802, Citations=38)
- Agarwal, M. Kumar, D. Prajapati, M. Singh, and P. Kumar, “Smart Public Transit System Using Energy Storage Systems and its Coordination with Distribution Grid," IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transport Systems, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1622-1632, 2014. (Impact Factor=9.551, Citations=17)
- Das, T. Kannan, M. Singh, and P. Kumar, “Mathematical Modeling For Economic Evaluation of Electric Vehicles to Smart Grid Interaction," IEEE Transaction on Smart Grid, vol. 5, no. 2, pp.712-721, March 2014. (Impact Factor=10.275, Citations=44)
- Kannan, E. Reena, M. Singh, and P. Kumar, “Mathematical Modeling of Li-Ion Battery using Genetic Algorithm Approach for V2G Applications," IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 332-343, June 2014. (Impact Factor= 4.877, Citations=56)
- Singh, P. Kumar, and I. Kar, “Implementation of vehicle to grid infrastructure using fuzzy logic controller," IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 565-577, March 2012. (Impact Factor=10.275, Citations=145)
International Conferences:
- Vinit Kumar, Ravi Teja Villuri, Singh, Sukumar Mishra,” PV Based Off-Grid Charging Station for Electric Vehicle,” in IFAC 2019, Jeju, South Korea, 10-12th June, 2019. (2019)
- Anyuti Tiwary and Singh,” A PFC Rectifier Based EV Charger for Harmonic Reduction,” in IFAC 2019, Jeju, South Korea, 10-12th June, 2019. (2019)
- Evaneet Kaur, Sumedha Sharma, Ashu Verma and Singh,” An Energy Management and Recommender System for Lighting Control in Internet-of-Energy enabled Buildings,” in IFAC 2019, Jeju, South Korea, 10-12th June, 2019. (2019)
- Dhingra and M. Singh, "Comparison of the Virtual Synchronous Generator and Droop Control Techniques to Cater the Unexpected Ingress and Egress of EVs at the CS," ICACTM2019, London, United Kingdom, May 2019. (2019)
- Sweety Arora and Singh, “Reduction of Switching Transients in CC/CV Mode of Electric Vehicles Battery Charging,” in CEAT 2018, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, September 2018. (2018)
- Sumedha Sharma, Singh, and Surya Prakash, “A novel energy management system for modified zero energy buildings using multi-agent systems,” in IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid and Smart Cities (ICSGSC), Singapore, July 2017. (2017)
- Singh, P. Kumar, I. Kar, and Neeraj Kumar, “A Real-time Smart Charging Station for EVs Designed for V2G Scenario and its Coordination with Renewable Energy Sources,” in IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2016. (2016)
- Anish Jindal, Neeraj Kumar, and Singh, “A Data Analytical Approach Using Support Vector Machine for Demand Response Management in Smart Grid," in IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2016. (2016)
- Harjeet Bedi, Nirbhowjap Singh, and Singh, “A Technical Review on Solar-Net metering,” in 7th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Patiala, India, Nov. 2016. (2016)
- Aakriti Sethi, Shakti Singh, and Singh, “Controlling of Consumer End Voltage Variation using PV Power Generation,” in 7th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Patiala, India, Nov. 2016. (2016)
- Kuljeet Kaur, Singh, and Neeraj Kumar, “Fleet of Electric Vehicles for Frequency Support in Smart Grid," in IEEE PES General Meeting, July 2016. (2016)
- Kuljeet Kaur, Neeraj Kumar, Singh, and Mohammad S. Obaidat, “Light weight Authentication Protocol for RFID-Enabled Systems Based on ECC," in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington, DC, Dec. 2016. (2016)
- Gagangeet Singh Aujla, Anish Jindal, Neeraj Kumar, and Singh, “SDN-Based Data Center Energy Management System Using RES and Electric Vehicles," in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Washington, DC, Dec. 2016. (2016)
- Amit Dua, Neeraj Kumar, Singh, MS. Obaidat, and Kuei-Fang Hsiao, “Secure message communication among vehicles using elliptic curve cryptography in smart cities," in International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS), China, 2016. (2016)
- Joy, K. Thirugnanam, M. Singh, and P. Kumar, “Distributed Active and Reactive Power Transfer for Voltage Regulation using V2G System," in 4th International Conference on Electric Power and Energy Conversion Systems (EPECS), Nov. 2015, pp. 1-6. (2015)
- Sumedha Sharma, Amit Dua, Surya Prakash, Neeraj Kumar, and Singh, “A novel central energy management system for smart grid integrated with renewable energy and electric vehicles," in IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Chennai, August 2015, pp. 1-6. (2015)
- Rubi Rana, Kuljeet Kaur, Singh, and Neeraj Kumar, “Integrated fleet of electric vehicles as a frequency regulation agent in the grid," in IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Chennai, August 2015, pp. 1-7. (2015)
- Nand Nandan Arora, Anish Jindal, Singh, Neeraj Kumar, and P. Kumar, “A novel smart meter for better control over devices including electric vehicles and to enable smart use of power in smart home," in IEEE International Transportation Electrification Conference (ITEC), Chennai, August 2015, pp. 1-6. (2015)
- Thirugnanam, M. Singh, Swati Shukla, P. Kumar, “Synchronization of grid connected vehicle-to-grid system with bidirectional contactless charging," Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), IEEE, 2013, pp. 1-6. (2013)
- K Narsimha, Naveen Kumar, Surya Tejja, Singh, and P. Kumar, “Smart Home Energy management with integration of PV and storage facilities providing grid support," in IEEE PES General Meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2013, pp. 1-5. (2013)
- Singh, P. Kumar, and I. Kar, “Coordination of Multi Charging station for Electric Vehicles and its utilization for Vehicle to Grid scenario," IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC’12), Dearborn, MI, USA, June 2012, pp. 1-7. (2012)
- Singh, P. Kumar, and I. Kar, “A Model of Electric Vehicle Charging Station Compatibles with Vehicle to Grid Scenario," in IEEE International Electrical Vehicle Conference (IEVC), March 4-8, 2012, Greenville, South Carolina, USA, pp. 1-7. (2012)
- Singh, P. Kumar, and I. Kar, “Designing a multi charging station for electric vehicles and its utilization for the grid support," IEEE PES General Meeting, San Diego, CA, USA, July 2012. (2012)
- Singh, P. Kumar, and I. Kar, “Analysis of Vehicle to Grid Concept in Indian Scenario," Proc. 14th Int. Proc. Power Electron. Motion Control Conf. (EPE/PEMC), Ohrid, Macedonia, Sep. 2010, pp. T6–149–T6–156. (2010)
- Singh, I. Kar, and P. Kumar, “Influence of EV on grid power quality and optimizing the charging schedule to mitigate voltage imbalance and reduce power loss," 14th International Conference Power Electronics and Motion Control, Ohrid, Macedonia, 2010. (2010)
National Conferences:
- Singh, Kannan T, Surendra Swami, P. Kumar and I. Kar, “Coordination of Electric Vehicles in Charging Stations Connected at Different Nodes of a Distribution Substation," Indicon, Kochi, India, 2012, pp. 1260-1265. (2012)
- Sarthak Gupta, Prateek Jain, Singh, P. Kumar and I. Kar, “Designing an algorithm for the Charging/Discharging of Electric Vehicles’ Batteries for mitigating the voltage imbalance," in Centenary conference, EE department, IISC Bangalore. (2011)
Achievement, Awards and Recognitions
- Honoured with Er. Gurcharan Singh Oration award for research in 2019 by Punjab Science Academy India.
- Awarded best teacher.
- Awarded with a most cited research paper in 2019 and 2020.
- Awarded with best conference paper in the year 2018.
- Awarded an A grade certificate for completing the DST-sponsored project in 2019.
Details of Sponsored Project (PI)
- Principal Investigator On-going
Duration: 2022-2024
Title: A Smart Battery Management with Real Time Estimation for State of Charge (SOC) and State of Health (SOH) of Electric Vehicles Batteries using Hybrid Model
Amount: ₹91.39 Lakhs
Grant Agency: MEITY, India
- Principal Investigator (Completed)
Duration: 2021-2024
Title: Designing of AC and DC Net Meter for Electric Vehicle Application
Amount: ₹55.30 Lakhs
Grant Agency: Department of Science and Technology (Govt of India), India
3 Principal Investigator On-going
Duration: 2021-2023
Title: An Industrial Project on Design and Development of CET Tractor Components
Amount: ₹98.75 Lakhs
Grant Agency: Escorts India Pvt Ltd, Faridabad, India
4. Principal Investigator (Completed)
Duration: 2019-2023
Title: Hybrid control strategy involving daylight harvesting for lighting applications in smart buildings
Amount: ₹25.55 Lakhs
Grant Agency: CSIR (Govt of India), India
- Principal Investigator in multi-consortium with IIT Delhi, DTU and SRKR (Completed)
Duration: 2018-2021
Title: Demonstration of grid Supportive EV Charger and Charging Infrastructure at LT Level (D-EVCI)
Amount: ₹341.77 Lakhs
Grant Agency: Department of Science and Technology (Govt of India), India
- Principal Investigator in multi-consortium with IIT Delhi, Amrita University and GMTPL (Completed)
Duration: 2018-2021
Title: Development and Prototyping of ICT enabled Smart Charging Network Components
Amount: ₹1001.76 Lakhs
Grant Agency: DHI-TPEM
- Principal Investigator in multi-consortium with IIT Delhi (Completed)
Duration: 2016-2019
Title: Electric vehicle charging station as voltage and frequency regulator, within the real time capability of the EVs and intermittent nature of RES
Amount: ₹168.58 Lakhs
Grant Agency: Department of Science and Technology (Govt of India), India
Supervision (PhD)
- Shakti Singh PhD Completed
- Vinit Kumar PhD Completed
- Karanveer Singh PhD Completed
- Kuljeet Kaur PhD Completed
- Anish Jindal PhD Completed
- Madhvi Verma PhD Pursuing
- Ravi Teja PhD Pursuing
- Shahrukh Alam PhD Pursuing
- Amrit Pal Kaur PhD Pursuing
- Kratika Yadav PhD Pursuing
- Ashiq N Bhat PhD Pursuing
- Reeta PhD Pursuing
- Rahul K. Kamboj PhD Pursuing
- Riya Sharma PhD Pursuing
Message to Students & Community
Never lose hope, until and unless you are not getting success.